
Showing posts from August, 2024

Beaded Pens

A few more pens for the outlet shop. Loved the colours in these  and they come in kit form so really easy to go together . Nice little gift .   

Craft Mad Monthly Swap Card

Another Craft Mad Monthly Swap Card to share today.  You may be able to guess that I am trying to catch up after a bit of an absence. The theme was Tic Tac Toe. I chose blue, butterflies and ribbon for my card to send to my partner     

Cow Pens

I decided to try my hand at pen making. I thought it would be  a good alternative for my outlet shop and as it is out in the country I thought  the cows were the perfect theme.    

Craft Mad Monthly Swap Card

This was my second card for the Craft Mad Monthly Swap Card I chose to case a card from a 2022  card swap.  Was really happy with this one.   

Craft Mad Monthly Swap Card

For our recent Craft Mad Monthly Swap Card we had to case a sketch card  from 2016. This was the original sketch  My card for my partner  

Craft Mad Monthly Card Swap

This is my second card for my partner for the  May Craft Mad Monthly Card Swap. The image is a real blast from the past as I have had them  in my stash for such a long time.    

Craft Mad Monthly Card Swap

Finally catching up on the Craft Mad Swaps. The theme for this month, which I think was actually for May, was  Embossed background.  This is my card for my partner.