Graphic 45 Typography Calendar


      Recently I was given an accordian card and asked to come up with some ideas for decorating it . 
             As it contained 12 pages My first thought was a calender so this is the finished product.
                                          Lots of photos so hope you enjoy them.
                                  I have used Graphic 45 Typology papers and tags.


                                        Have  a great weekend and thanks for visiting my blog.
I would like to enter this card in the following challenges:


Merry said…
You have done lovely work on this Kaye…the papers are wonderful. Very inspiring. Funny how you have used the word Typography as this was in Melissa's course description and I keep meaning to look up what it actually is. I just keep seeing it everywhere now. :-)
Kaye McGrath said…
Thanks Merry, funny how a word can follow you around. I just love the Graphic45 Typography papers

"Typography (from the Greek words (typos) = form and (graphe) = writing) is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make language ..."

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